河洛匯流 文化丹田
溫縣人民政府門戶網(wǎng)站 www.lwqkqyy.com 發(fā)布日期:2017-05-10 11:06 責(zé)任編輯:admin



??? 黃河,是中國第二大河,世界第五大長河。在中國歷史上,黃河及沿岸流域給人類文明帶來了巨大的影響,是中華民族最主要的發(fā)源地之一,被稱為“母親河”。
??? 洛河,在中國歷史上有著顯赫的地位。首先,是“河圖洛書”,它與古文字緊密連系在一起,把洪荒蒙昧的社會,推向了文明的階梯。
??? 河洛匯流,是一種自然現(xiàn)象。洛河水清,黃河水濁,兩河交匯,形成了一個巨大的清濁分明、相互交融變化的旋渦。
??? 相傳這里是河出圖、洛出書和伏羲悟太極、畫八卦的地方。《易傳·系辭》載:“河出圖,洛出書,圣人則之。”中華民族人文始祖伏羲看到河洛交匯現(xiàn)象,依據(jù)“河圖”、“洛書”信息,觸發(fā)靈感,從而創(chuàng)造出了《易》經(jīng),產(chǎn)生了太極文化。所以,自古人稱“天下太極出河洛”。
??? 自古以來,河洛匯流處無時無刻不流淌著太極文化之血,聯(lián)系著河洛文化之脈,締結(jié)著中原文化之根,蘊(yùn)含著中華文化之魂。她是中華民族的文化丹田!據(jù)史載:黃帝、帝堯、夏禹、商湯等帝王登基時,都在此沉璧祭天。
??? 溫縣,正處于河洛匯流處,是河洛文化的核心區(qū)。
??? 溫縣是人類活動最早的聚居地之一,境內(nèi)遺存仰韶文化遺址和龍山文化遺址數(shù)十處。夏代,溫地稱溫國;商十四代王祖乙遷都溫地邢而中興;周初大司寇蘇忿生封蘇國,以溫為蘇封十二邑之首。《鹽鐵論》記載顯示:戰(zhàn)國至秦漢之際,溫縣已是“富冠海內(nèi)”的“天下名都”。
??? 溫縣地靈人杰。它地理位置優(yōu)越,南有邙山、黃河為天然屏障,北依太行天塹,是連接晉、冀、魯、豫的交通要道。焦作黃河公路大橋與連霍高速公路相連,焦溫高速南北貫通,其他公路四通八達(dá),國家重點工程西氣東輸、南水北調(diào)穿境而過,距離鄭州、洛陽、焦作三市分別在40-60公里之間,南濱黃河,北臨沁水,東連武陟縣,西接孟州市,西北與沁陽市接壤,屬黃、沁河沖積平原。
??? 溫縣是夏禹指定繼承人覃伯益的家鄉(xiāng),是春秋時期孔子門下十哲之一卜子夏故里,從這里走出了司馬懿、郭熙等許多歷史名人。
??? 溫縣物華天寶。它的總面積為462平方公里,轄10個鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn),262個行政村,總?cè)丝?4.6萬。溫縣處于北緯34°52'-35°02',東經(jīng)112°51'-113°13',屬于暖溫帶大陸性季風(fēng)型氣候,四季分明,光照充足,土地肥沃,適合各種農(nóng)作物生長。年平均溫度14.3°C,年降水量達(dá)552.4毫米,無霜期為241天。溫縣南部為黃河灘區(qū),北部為低緩的丘陵平原。溫縣農(nóng)業(yè)發(fā)達(dá),盛產(chǎn)小麥、玉米,是四大懷藥(懷山藥、懷地黃、懷菊花、懷牛膝)的原產(chǎn)地。

??? Yellow River, the second longest river in China ranks as the fifth longest river in the world. Due to the enormous impact it has brought to chinese civilization through ages, Yellow River is considered as the major birthplace of Chinese people, known as the? “Mother River of China”.
??? Luo River, has a prominent place in Chinese history. “Hetu and Luoshu”, establishes the link between Luo River and ancient words.Thus the prehistoric ignorance of is connected to modern civilization.
??? Heluo Confluence, is a natural phenomenon. Luo River’s water is clear while Yellow River is turbid. The confluence of two rivers forming a huge vortex that clear and muddy water mingled and changed with each other.
??? According to the legend, this is the place where Hetu and Luoshu appeared, Fuxi realized Tai chi and created the Eight Diagrams. Yi·Xici records: “A plotting from Yellow River, a book from Luo River, so as the saint.” Our ancestor Fuxi observed was inspired by Heluo Confluence, therefore created The Book of Changes. Tai Chi culture found its root since then. That’s why it’s widely known as “Tai Chi Culture Comes from Heluo Area.”
??? Since ancient times, Heluo Confluence was flowing with the blood of Tai Chi culture, contacting with the pulse of Heluo culture, concluding with the cultural root of Central Plains, and containing the soul of Chinese culture. She is the pubic region of Chinese nation culture! According to historical records, When emperors Huang Di, Yao Di, Yu, Tang ascended the throne, they all held some heven-worshipping ceremonies at Heluo.
??? Wen County is located in Heluo Confluence, the core area of Heluo culture.
??? Wen County is one of the earliest settlements of human activities, and dozens of Yangshao and Longshan cultural sites still remain. In Xia Dynasty, this land was called Wen State; in Shang Dynasty, the fourteenth emperor Zuyi moved his capital to Xing and became prosperous; at the beginning of Zhou Dynasty, big Sikou Su Fensheng conferred Su upon Wen, as the first of twelve counties which conferred upon by Su. Salt and Iron Theory records: From Warring States to Qin and Han dynasties, Wen County has known as the famous capital for its being rich.
??? Wen County is a remarkable place with its outstanding people. Its geographical position is superior, Mang Mountain and the Yellow River in the south serve as the natural barriers, Taihang natural moat embraces the north. It is the important route connecting Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and Henan.Yellow River Highway Bridge in Jiaozuoand Lianhuo expressway are connected, Jiaowen highway is running north and south, other roads are extending in all directions. National key projects West-East Natural Gas Transmission Project and South-to-North Water Diversion are passing through Wen County. It is about 40-60 kilometers away from Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Jiaozuo. It has Yellow River in the south, Qin water in the north, Wuzhi County in the east, Mengzhou City in the west, northwest borders on Qinyang city. It’s part of Yellow River and Qin River’s alluvial plain.
??? Wen County is the hometown of Yu's designated successor Tan Boyi; it is also the hometown of Bu Zixia, one of Confucius ten excellent students in Spring and Autumn Period. Other famous histical figures were also born here, such as Sima Yi, Guo Xi and so on.
??? Wen County is one place that good products from the earth are nature's treasures. It covers an area of 462 square kilometers with 10 townships and 262 administrative villages. Its population is 446000. Wen County is in the north latitude 34° 52'- 35 °02', east longitude 112° 51'- 113 °13'. Its climate is typical warm temperate continental monsoon with four distinct seasons. The sufficient sunshine and fertile land provides favouable natural conditions for varieties of crops. The annual average temperature is 14.3° C, annual rainfall totals 552.4 mm and rost-free period lasts for 241 days throughout the year. Southern area of Wen County is the flood area along Yellow River, northern area is low hilly plain. Wen County is agriculturally advanced, producing large quanitity of wheat and corn. It is also the source area of Four Huai Medicines (Yam, Rehmannia, Chrysanthemum, Radix Achyranthis and Bidentatae).



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